Wednesday, February 15, 2012


After jet setting to Paris for the weekend with a group of 18 girls I now have a new appreciation for small group trips (with my family in particular). This past Thursday we departed early in the AM to Paris.  We took over 5 systems of transportation to secure a cheap flight.  In the end we learned it cost the same amount to fly out of a nearby airport and pay more for the flight versus commuting to a middle of now where airport with cheap flights.  Regardless we arrived in Paris and stayed with some other sorority sisters in an home exchange apartment.  Our location was great and we traveled mostly by metro the entire time.  I became a metro extraordinaire.  I know it is hard to believe but somehow I ended up as the group tour guide for the weekend.  I led a group of 18 people around the entire time.  I now understand how annoying I was when I was little and would ask a million questions over and over and over when visiting tourist attractions.  We started the day with Notre Dame and then proceeded to Musee d' Orsay.  After we ate at Ratatouille where we sampled the traditional ratatouille dish (known as a vegetable stew served chilled).  The following day we started with Versailles.  I was blown away by the palace and grounds. I decided I could easily get married there or live there due to the extravagant interior design. After Versailles we went to Sacre Coeur which is a church set on the top of a hill in Paris.  The church had a breath taking view of the city below.  We listened to a local performer on the steps of the church and drank hot wine...a recent discovery :)  After we went to the Champs de Elysee where we viewed the arc de triomphe.  While walking down the Champs de Elysee we smelled Abercrombie Fierce (Abercrombie cologne) from the street.  We soon discovered the flagship store on the strip.  Male models we standing outside shirtless inviting pedestrians to come inside.  Inside was like a dream come true! 6 floors of all Abercrombie! In addition we visited Laduree (a famous bakery/macaroon shop) and tasted colorful macaroons.  The next day we ate breakfast at Angelina's a famous pastry shop near the Louvre.  The pastry shop is notorious known for their hot chocolate and chocolate croissants. I ordered the hot chocolate and received a cup of rich melted chocolate.  It was delicious but heavy on calories! After we ventured into the Louvre.  Angelina's helped brace me for the bordem I soon felt after entering the Louvre.   As you all know I HATE MUSEUMS WITH A PASSION! However luckily so did everyone else I was traveling with.  We quickly scanned the museum, saw the Mona Lisa, sculpture of Venus, and other exhibits and then left! After we went to the Eiffel Tower and waited in a long line :( As the planner of the group I suggested we get tickets ahead of time however we failed to do so.  We finally made it up to the summit and it was freezing.  We made it up in time for sunset which was incredible.  On the way down we were able to view the Eiffel Tower lit up.  To end the day we dined in the Moulin Rouge district!  Overall I had a great trip in Paris! I would go back anytime just for the food! I had a chocolate croissant each morning and even managed to make room for a crepe!  Don't worry I already went for a run yesterday!

Right now in Italy there is a chocolate festival going on around the corner from us.  It is the best festival I have ever seen! I'm a huge fan of chocolate so basically it is a dream come true.  So far I have gone everyday and gotten a piece in honor of Valentines Day!

That is all for now!



  1. now you know how i feel when i wanted to kill you in barcelona for asking so many questions about logistics.

  2. also i am proud of you for going inside la louvre and probably pretending to appreciate some of the art
