Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Classes at Lorenzo De Medici

First week of classes and now a four day weekend! I had made it through the first official school week :)  I started on Monday with my beginning Italian course and Pairing of Food and Wine.  The Italian course is enjoyable and is similar to Spanish so I can understand most of the class so far.  By far the food and wine class is my favorite.  I have a passionate foodie teacher who isn't afraid to get messy and teach us everything.  The first thing we made was pasta carbonara which is a pasta with a cheese and egg mixture along with bacon. While cooking the pasta my teacher showed me that he wasn't afraid to stick his hand in boiling water to taste/test the pasta.  I felt as though I was watching a cooking show right before my eyes. We also tasted 2 wines in class including a white Chardonnay and red Merlot.

Tuesday I attended Anthropology of the Catwalk, and Visual Merchandising.  I already can tell the anthropology class will be boring however I really enjoyed the visual merchandising class.  We will be working with local businesses in Florence to help merchandise their windows and stores in addition to multiple group projects, and story boards.

On Wednesday I attend my Italian class again and then have trend forecasting.  I'm very excited about the trend forecasting class.  This class teaches you how to forecast certain styles, upcoming trends, and fads through the use of photoshop and Adobe.

Many of my classes take field trips throughout the course which is very exciting.  The only bummer is that most of my classes are 2.5 hours long and I find it very difficult to sit that entire time.  The most impressive thing about the teachers at Lorenzo de Medici is their English.  Every professor has excellent English.

Last night some of the girls I'm living with and I indulged in a fancy dinner at La Giostria, which is a restaurant around the corner from us.  I had eaten there before when I was young and was reminded of the memories when I walked in.  We were greeted with sparkling wine and a large platter of appetizers. We started off with their famous pear ravioli as an appetizer and then ate apple glazed chicken with roasted potatoes and vegetables.  After leaving I was in a food coma and could barley move. 

That is all for now!