Monday, February 20, 2012

Carnival in Venice

This weekend we took a day trip and attended Carnival in Venice.  It is festival that goes on every year in Venice from the beginning of February to the end of February. The festival originated as a public holiday and celebration the day before lent. In the past the event celebrated prosperity, myths, and culture. We traveled by bus for 3.5 hours (UGH!) and then boarded a ferry that took us to San Macro Square (the main area of the festival).  The minute we stepped off the ferry and onto the island we were surrounded by crowds of people.  Everywhere you walked you would see street performers dressed up standing waiting for you to take pictures or watch them.  It seemed as though numerous Italians from other parts of the country traveled to Venice for carnival to simply make a statement by dressing up and posing for pictures.  By the main square there was a main stage where shows were held.   Some of the shows included magicians and mimes.   There were tons of shops with souvenirs, masks, and trinkets from Venice.  I was able to purchase my 1st mask! One of the neat areas we found was face painting.  It is a huge tradition to have your face painted with intricate designs and to wear a mask. We spend most of our time eating, drinking at bars, and observing the bizarre phenomenon.  Everywhere you looked people were wearing masks, extravagant costumes or goofy outfits.  The island was quite confusing due to narrow passage ways, and dark tunnels. We got lost quite a few times to say the least.  Overall I would say it was a neat experience and I'm very excited to return to Venice with my parents when they visit to see more of Venice! I saved the chance to go on my first gondola ride for the next time I return ....Obviously so my parents can pay for it :)

The rest of the weekend we recuperated and I caught up on homework and cleaned our messy apartment!  I found out today that I got 100% on my Italian quiz! Pretty exciting considering I have no clue how to speak properly in this country!



  1. WE WANT PICS! or a white font color on this dark background, my eyes hurt

  2. also I actually read the blog post now and 1. the gondola will be more fun with mom and dad because dad will provide comedic commentary and i want to see this mask you bought. also i did not know you took a bus. why did you do that ive heard europe has great trains
