Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Less than 24 hours in Rome

Unfortunately due to the cold weather and snow in Italy we had a bit of a frantic travel experience.  We attempted to travel to Rome last Friday morning and arrived by train to a snow storm with snow flakes the size of golf balls.  Apparently it hadn't snow this bad in 20 years! The entire city shut down including transportation.   We finally located our hotel and met up with our two friends studying abroad in Rome.  After settling in and eating we decided to return to Florence due to the rumors of a blizzard headed directly to Rome.  All the attractions shut down for two days so we made a quick decision to catch the last train back to Florence.  To recover from the disappointment we spent some quality time at a local pub nearby on Saturday, got delicious panini's at Salmeri Verdi (One of the best Panini's places in Florence and recommended by many) and then managed to go out at night.  Sunday we cleaned and cooked our way through the day.  This week I visited the local market which sells tons of local products at various stands.  I found a form of dried cranberries which was pretty exciting!  In my cooking class we prepared Pasta Normandy, a veal prosciutto dish and sampled two white wines.  We learned white wine is normally paired with greasy, fatty foods because it helps to cleanse your system due the high acidity.  I'm starting to grasp the basics in the Italian language and can now officially navigate through the grocery store. Tomorrow we leave for Paris and I'm so excited to travel! I hope there aren't any issues with our travel however I'm sure there will be some minor bumps in the road :)

That is all for now!


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