Sunday, April 8, 2012

Venice with Donald & Holley Hoffman!

MY PARENTS FINALLY ARRIVED IN ITALY! Tuesday I met my mom at the hotel and was so happy to see her! She lugged all of my precious belongings from home and even managed to bake banana bread from my roommates and I.  After settling into the hotel we then went to a casual dinner at ZaZa’s (Great restaurant with an open aired atmosphere). The next morning I enjoyed the free hotel breakfast and attended my Italian class.  After I met my mom back at the hotel and we went to see the David.  We walked over the museum and found a HUGE line wrapping around the building.  Little did I know that my museum pass would allow us to cut the entire line and walk right in.  I felt pretty cool cutting everyone else off J After seeing the David and boring ourselves in the museum we headed over to Gusta Pizza (my favorite pizza place in Italy). Later we walked the Ponte Vecchio, picked out our jewelry requests for my dad and went to the Gucci Museum. Later we dined at Gusta Osteria (a local restaurant known for good pasta).  That night we indulged in gelato and slept in our comfy hotel beds. The next day we surprised my dad at the airport.  Unfortunately his luggage got lost even though he flew directly from Munich to Florence and the bag was marked Priority with a business class ticket.  All of those factors don’t add up to me but Munich managed to misplace his bag for 2 days straight. After we got back to the hotel my mom, dad, and I went to my apartment. I gave them the grand tour of my place and then we grabbed the best panini’s in town at Salumeria Verdi. After we went to Piazza Michaelangelo (a look out point that over looks the entire city). That night we dined at La Giostra…a family favorite where we feasted on pear ravioli and apple glazed chicken. Later we splurged with gelato.  The next morning we traveled to Venice by train and checked into our hotel.  We then explored the Jewish ghetto and toured 3 different Jewish synagogues. Later we went for a dinner recommended by our hotel and had one of the best pasta dishes so far in Italy. (Which says a lot considering all I eat is pasta).  The next day we took a ferry to Murano and saw glass blowing and beautiful glass pieces made by the factory. We then visited San Marco Square (main square) and took a quick tour of The Basilica of San Marco (San Marco Church). We shopped around and then finished the night with dinner and dessert. The following day we took a gondola ride, did some last minute shopping and made our way back to Florence. Later that night we ate at il Latini. The restaurant was really unique in that it is a fixed menu, in which TONS of food is brought to you all at the same time as everyone else eating at the restaurant.  The food was unreal and nonstop! The next day I skipped class and we took a day trip to Siena and San Gimignano. My dad rented a car and to my surprise drove like a pro with stick shift. We shopped around, taste-tested numerous gelatos and then made our way to a private wine tasting near the town.  We sampled 9 different wines, cheeses, meats, and ended with lasagna.  The wine tasting was pretty cool because we learned the proper way to taste wine and a lot of history about how the wine is produced. The next morning we toured the Jewish synagogue and area in Florence.  The temple was gorgeous and massive. Later we shopped around and ate at Acqua 2 where we indulged in a pasta sampler and steak sampler.  On Wednesday I had to day goodbye to my parents. I sent a huge suitcase back with them with all of my Italian purchases. It was hard to do but knowing that I was traveling to Prague the following day helped.  I was sad to seem them go but extremely happy and lucky they were able to visit me!  Next destination is Prague!


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