Sunday, April 8, 2012


Since arriving in Prague, I have decided this is my favorite trip so far.  The town is really neat and has a friendly and American atmosphere (that must be why I like it so much). 
Reasons why I like Prague:
1.     They have Starbucks
2.     They have Bagels
3.     They have BBQ Sauce
4.     They have things other than pasta and pizza to eat
5.     They have Thai food
6.     They have Mexican food
7.     They have a (Americanized) Movie theater with English movies
8.     They have Wifi everywhere!

Those are the most impressive however there is a lot more! The first day we checked into our AMAZING HOTEL (The Marriott=Americanized). Then we walked around the town and visited a Mall! I couldn’t tell you how happy I was.  The first thing I did was purchase Starbucks!  Later we ate at The Pub, which was a restaurant that had an individual beer tap at each table. You could refill your beer yourself while sitting down.  The tap also had a computer/screen that monitored what you drank so you paid for the actual amount you consumed…pretty neat! I also enjoyed a turkey burger with BBQ sauce, which sufficed my craving for American food.  The next day we ate at Bohemia Bagel (Great American breakfast place with Bagels…obviously!) We then visited the John Lennon wall and went to a peacock garden. Inside the garden there were live peacocks roaming around.  It was really unique. After we took a free walking tour of the city and toured Old Town, New Town, and The Jewish Quarter. After we feasted on Czech specialties at a special Easter market in Old Town.  This weekend there was an Easter festival where huts were set up all over town selling traditional Czech food and traditional Czech products.  We tried Czech sausage, tridnek, (a hot cinnamon roll that was shaped like a hollow barrel and cooked and spun on an iron rod) chicken kabobs, fried potato chips, au gratin potatoes, and crepes. The market sold hand painted eggs, wool products, Russian dolls, and other trinkets. That night we went out to an Easter party at a near by club.  One of the coolest clubs I have been too. The club had the feel of a house concert but with great American music, huge second floor balcony, and bar that wrapped around half the room.   We met up with a bunch of friends traveling to Prague so it was a fun night. The next day we visited the Prague Castle and toured St. Vincent Church.  It was a bit of a disappointment when we got there because the palace consisted of exhibitions and art instead of rooms with furniture and apartments. After visiting Versailles in France we decided it wasn’t worth the wait. Later we shopped around the town and sipped on hot wine.  For dinner we ate at a local Czech restaurant.   This morning we woke up and picked up Bohemia Bagel (yes…again!) and went to tour the Jewish Quarter consisting of a museum, two synagogues, and a cemetery.  To our surprise the buildings were closed due to the celebration of Passover, which was a major disappointment considering it is already the second day here.  Instead we decided to go back and grab food at the Easter festival, get Starbucks, and shop.  Later we went to a movie, which was pretty exciting! It was my suggestion and everyone was on board since we had extremely cold weather this weekend and we were all unprepared.  We saw American Reunion was which so funny! The movie theater was nicer than home and had a huge screen and extremely comfy seats. I was so happy to see an American movie in English. It is the little things in life that make me the happiest! (However that doesn’t change that I still want a designer handbag for my 21st birthday dad!) Now we are at the airport waiting for our flight to board.  We are traveling back extremely late so I’m excited to get back to Florence.

Can’t wait to return back home!


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